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About Our Church

Values & Beliefs

Grateful for God’s saving grace and joyfully alive in Jesus Christ, our passion is to:

  • Love God and neighbor

  • Learn deeper faith and practice

  • Live fully in every season of life

We embrace:

An open invitation to participate with God. 

A deep connection with God and each other.

The humble practice of walking in Jesus’ footsteps. 
Loving service to others


Our History

In 1935 several denominations expressed a desire in organizing a church in the Nelscott area of North Lincoln County on the Oregon coast. The matter was referred to the Oregon Council of Churches and on April 20, 1936 the committee decided the Presbyterians would head the development of a community church in partnership with the Episcopalians and Congregationalists.

The church was dedicated in Nelscott on June 13, 1937. and named; North Lincoln Community Presbyterian church. In 1940 an addition of a dormitory was built on the property with a capacity to sleep 52. With this addition hosting retreats and conferences became a major ministry of the church attracting groups from all over the Northwest.

In December of 1948 the congregation voted to change the name of the church from North Lincoln Community Presbyterian to Chapel-by-the-Sea Presbyterian Church.


Our Identity

At the core of our identity is a secure hope in the grace of God in Jesus Christ, a hope that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, empowers us to live lives of gratitude.

The mission of Chapel by the Sea is to reflect God’s love to all and to be a Christ-centered community church, open to everyone and to share Jesus’ message of grace, love, hope and forgiveness. We strive to be living examples of Christ through service in our local community and around the world.

Chapel by the Sea has a long history of ministry in Lincoln City and we are excited about our vibrant future.
We come together to receive God’s refreshing love and go out to share that love in the world.  We want to grow as friends and followers of Jesus, deepening our spiritual lives and participating in what God is doing in the world. 

As a forgiven and forgiving family of faith, thankful for God’s mercy and grace, we welcome all and seek to share Jesus Christ who is our Savior and Lord. 

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Chapel by the Sea   2125 SE Lee Ave, Lincoln City, OR 97367
P.O. Box 25 Lincoln City, OR 97367  |  Tel: 541-996-2070

Grateful for God’s saving grace.

Joyfully alive in Jesus Christ!
We are grateful to be a congregation
of the Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination with its focus on inclusion, spirituality, mission, education and justice work.

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